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Orthodox Icons of George

Name icons are especially meaningful for people whose names coincide with the names of Saints. An icon of St. George can be given as a gift on a name day, as well as on birthdays and other spiritual and life events, such as the consecration of a dwelling or a wedding. It can also be purchased for personal worship and prayer.
Icons dedicated to the name George are extremely common and respected in Orthodoxy. St. George, or St. George the Great Martyr, is considered one of the most popular saints in the Orthodox Church.
Icons of St. George usually depict him in knightly armor, with a sword in his hand and the dragon he defeated at his feet. The image of St. George slaying a dragon symbolizes the victory of good over evil and reflects the struggle of faith against temptation and demons.
Icons of the name George may also contain other elements related to the saint’s life and work, such as his martyrdom or his depiction during military battles. Some icons may represent George as a mounted warrior with a spear fighting the enemies of the faith.
Icons of the name George have a special meaning for many believers and are used as a source of inspiration, protection and help in difficulties and trials. They also serve as a reminder of the piety, courage and faithfulness of St. George, who is considered the patron saint of warriors, fishermen, farmers and other professions.
The icon painting workshop “Mstyora Icons” offers a wide range of icons of St. George of various sizes and designs. All icons are made by masters of high level, which guarantees high quality and durability.
In our icon painting workshop you can buy Orthodox Icons of George at an affordable price and with fast free delivery.