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Amabilis Orthodox Icons catalog

The icon of the Amabilis depicts the Mother of God propitiating her Son by stretching out her hands to him as a sign of prayer and supplication. This icon is one of the most revered and beloved in Russia, and is associated with the Diveyev Monastery in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Her image includes many symbols and meanings such as maternal love, intercession before God, sorrow, mercy and grace. This icon is a wonderful gift for those who need intercession and prayer, as well as for all those who seek spiritual comfort and support in difficult moments of life.
The online store “Mstyora Icons” offers a wide range of icons “Amabilis” of various sizes and designs. You can buy an icon both for personal use and as a gift for relatives and friends. All products are made by masters of high level, which guarantees high quality and durability.
In our online store you can buy an icon of Glykophilousa at an affordable price and with fast free delivery.

It is possible to paint an image in any size to order.
We accept orders for measurement icons, analoy icons, church icons, and icons for iconostasis.